邮资封片简论坛邮政用品集邮区【风光、特种邮资片】 → [转帖]全国邮联第一批审定的集邮名词(1992年8月30日)



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[转帖]全国邮联第一批审定的集邮名词(1992年8月30日)  发帖心情 Post By:2002/6/6 3:05:14 [只看该作者]

《集邮》 93/3 集邮Philately 集邮品Philatelic item 集邮用品Philatelic accessory 邮集Philatelic collection 传统集邮Traditional philately 专题集邮Thematic philately 航空集邮Aerophilately 航天集邮 Astrophilately 邮政史集邮Postal history philately 邮政用品集邮Postal stationery philately 极限集邮Maximaphily 文献集邮Literature philately 青少年集邮Youth philately 现代集邮Modern philately 集邮展览Philatelic exhibition 世界集邮展览World philatelic exhibition 国际集邮展览International philatelic exhibition 展品评审Exhibt evaluation 邮资凭证Postage certificate (包括:邮票,印在邮资信封明信片邮简上的邮票图案,邮资机打印的邮资符志三大类) 邮票Postage stamp(三个要素,国家或机构标志,面值或相当邮政自费效用的标志,图案) 普通邮票Regular stamp 纪念邮票Commemorative stamp 特种邮票Special stamp 航空邮票Airmail stamp 包裹邮票Parcel post stamp 附捐邮票Semi-postal stamp, Charity stamp 军用邮票Military stamp 加盖邮票Overprinted stamp 改值邮票Surcharged stamp (专指加字改值邮票) 预销票Pre-cancelled stamp(专供寄递大宗邮件使用) 信销票Used stamp 盖销票Cancelled stamp 欠资邮票Postage due stamp 变体票Variety 小型张Souvenir sheet 小全张Miniature sheet 小本票Stamp booklet 连票Multiples 枚Piece 套Set 印刷全张Printing sheet (可以切成若干邮局全张) 邮局全张Post office sheet 邮票票幅Size of stamp 邮票图幅Size of design 邮票图案Stamp design (邮票上) Indicia (邮资信封-----上) 邮票志号Serial number 邮票齿孔Perforation 齿孔度数Perforation 邮票面值Denomination 邮票背胶Gum 邮票纸Stamp printing paper 水印纸Watermarked paper 邮票印刷油墨Stamp printing ink 版别Printing process(印刷方法,胶版---)Print(同图案邮票不同印刷厂,不同版次的印版) 版式Setting(整版邮票版面的格式。包括邮票尺寸、枚数、位置的安排、厂名、套印、打孔、规矩线、色标、梯尺以及其他工艺标记) 版式研究Setting research 印样Proof(邮票印刷过程中的试印样品,不具有邮资凭证作用) 样票Specimen(又称票样。加印“SPECIMEN”或“样票”,“样张”等字样,或凿孔、划线注销的邮票,作为备案、宣传用的样品) 首日封First day cover 实寄封Entire cover(经过邮递的信封和印刷品、包裹的封皮) 邮资信封Stamped envelope 普通邮资信封Regular stamped envelope 纪念邮资信封Commemorative stamped envelope 航空邮资信封Airmail stamped envelop 美术邮资信封Picture stamped envelope 邮资明信片Stamped postcard 普通邮资明信片Regular stamped postcard 纪念邮资明信片Commemorative stamped postcard 贺年邮资明信片New Year stamped postcard 风光邮资明信片Landscape stamped postcard 极限明信片Maximum card 邮简Letter sheet 邮资邮简Stamped letter sheet 普通邮资邮简Regular stamped letter sheet 航空邮资邮简Stamped aerogramme 邮政日戳Postal datemark 纪念邮戳Commemorative postmark 军邮邮戳Military postmark 火车邮戳Train postmark 风景日戳Landscape datemark
